* Introduction to MCH | Brief History
* 1948

The Mennonite Overseas Relief Commission of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) accepted the invitation of Presbyterian missionaries serving in areas inhabited by aborigines in Taiwan. Missionary doctors began performing medical relief work for the aboriginal people. In the early days, there was no medical station or clinic; their work was restricted to mobile clinics.

* 1949

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) opened the first medical clinic in Lower Mei-Lum District

* 1954

The MCH hospital opened to the public with a 35-bed capacity at the present site

* 1959

The Mennonite Nursing School admitted the first class of nursing students.

* 1963
The Office of Hygiene, a predecessor of the Community Health Department, was created for the promotion of community development, environmental health, family planning, and the control of infectious diseases.
* 1964
Cooperated with the Mustard Seed Mission to provide medical services for TB patients.
* 1966
Started a medical internship program.
* 1967
Started a graduate medical education/training program.
* 1968
The fund for the poor and sick was created.
* 1972
The Board of Trustee was formed; Department of Social Work was founded.
* 1973
In order to expand the medical work to more aborigines, the Yuli clinic was established in the southern part of Hualien in an effort to improve the community health. Department of Rehabilitation was created.
* 1975
Dr. Roland Brown retired.
* 1981
The wheelchair club was started as the first club organized for the support of specific patient groups such as persons with spinal cord injury, child leukemia, open-heart surgery, and premature babies. Funds for different illnesses were established to aid financially strained patients, and the hospital pioneered in patient support groups. Donations from within and outside the country were received for construction of a new outpatient building.
* 1983
Dialysis service was started and the related support fund was developed.
* 1987
Installation of the CT Scan in Department of Radiology.
* 1988
Achieved regional teaching hospital accreditation.
* 1991
The hospital continued to receive donations for an additional hospital building to accommodate its growth and expansion.
* 1992
Installation of the MRI in Department of Radiology and Introduction of laparoscopic techniques in abdominal surgery.
* 1993
The day-care center was opened for senior citizens. Construction work for the new inpatient building began.
* 1996
Support groups for persons with brain injury and the women in menopause were formed. The first MCH's website was created. Cooperated with the National Health Insurance Bureau on a pilot HMO plan in Sioulin township to take care of the people in resource-limited areas. The Total Quality Management was initiated. Conducted a "Corporate Identification System" program to enhance MCH's public image.
* 1997
Grand opening ceremony of the peace inpatient building was held. In the same year, the Mennonite Social-Welfare Foundation was established for service to seniors and to people with disabilities. Supported Taitung Christian Hospital with management and medical staff. The Life-line system was set up to serve as a communication between the emergency room and the patients who have particular needs. An X-ray truck was employed to provide related services to the people in remote areas.
* 1998
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) service began.
* 1999
Provided general outpatient services in Yuli Hospital. Hospice ward was set up. Funded by the Department of Health to operate the Hualien Long-Term Care Resources Management Center.
* 2000
Grand opening of Grace Outpatient Building.
* 2001
MCH Nursing Home and Post-Delivery Care Center were opened to the public.
* 2002
Funded by the National Health Insurance Bureau to operate the Integrated Delivery System (IDS) in serving people of Jhuosi township. Initiated the programs of Respiratory Therapy Center (RTC) and Respiratory Care Ward (RCW). Partnered with the Eastern Region Senior Citizens'Home to offer medical services to the home's residents.
* 2003
Awarded by the Council of Indigenous Peoples for MCH's significant contributions to the indigenous people.
* 2004
Funded by the National Health Insurance Bureau to start the Integrated Delivery System (IDS) services in Wanrong township, the last aboriginal community in Hualien. A Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) was purchased and put into use. Oncology and Cancer Center and the Long-Term Care Department were founded.
* 2005
Assisted Feng-bin township achieving World Health Organization (WHO)'s accreditation for the Safest Place to Live in the 92nd district competition.
* 2006.12
Achieved Excellence in Executive Yuan Ministry of Health’s accreditation for Class II Teaching Regional Hospital.
* 2007.03
Construction of Mennonite Senior Rehabilitative Living Community (MSRLC) Phase I project begins.
* 2007.10
Acquisition of the cardiac catheterization laboratory.
* 2008
  • Beam Placement Service of Shou-Fong Branch, MCH.
  • Participating in the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund for providing training program in ER and Community Health Nursing to Mrs.Phyllis Richards from Western Regional Hospital of Belize.
  • Celebrating the 60th anniversary of The Mennonite Christian Hospital.
  • Receiving the "Employee- friendly Workplace Award" from the Council of Labor Affairs of the Executive Yuan.
  • Recognized by The Ministry of Interior for 「The National Outstanding Volunteer Team in the year of 2008」.
  • Awarded by Hualian County Health Bureau for 「The Outstanding Volunteer Team in Health Care」.
  • Receiving the Baby-and Mother- Friendly Hospital Certification.
  • Receiving excellence in the Hospital Comprehensive Assessment from the Hualien County Health Bureau.
  • Awarded excellence in the accreditation of Home Health Agencies.
  • Awarded excellence in Nursing Home Accreditation.
* 2009
  • Passing the accreditation of the 1st-level Hospital for High-risk Pregnancy.
  • Passing the accreditation of the 2nd-level Hospital for Neonatal Care.
  • A group of US congressional assistants visited our mobile medical service and Integrated Health Care Delivery System in the indigenous communities.
  • Opening of the Tocolysis Demonstration Ward.
  • Receiving the 1st place and masterpiece award in the 5th Quality Control Circle Contest held by the Around-Taiwan Health Care Alliance.
  • Receiving excellence in the Hospital Comprehensive Assessment from the Hualien County Health Bureau.
  • Awarded excellence in the accreditation of Home Health Agencies.
  • Receiving an A class Hospital Award for the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Program.
  • Awarded an A class position in the accreditation of Post Partum Care Units.
  • Awarded an A class position in the accreditation of Nursing Homes.
  • Receiving excellence in the Regional Hospital Accreditation.
  • Grand Opening of Shou-Fong Branch, MCH.
* 2010
  • The Shou-Fong Branch was established.
  • The new books Low-Protein Recipes for Chronic Kidney Disease and Happy Learning for Retirement Life were published.
  • The ideo-urodynamic equipment was introduced and set up.
  • The Children's Joint Development Assessment Center was established.
  • The 10th Anniversary Observational Seminar of IDS Healthcare in mountain areas was held.
* 2011
  • Mass and local production of "Splint" was implemented under cooperation between the Division of Rehabilitation and the industry.
  • The nursing station was established under cooperation between Hualien Airport and the Mennonite Christian Hospital.
  • The education cooperation with National Dong Hwa University and the Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology were under implementation.
  • MCU was commissioned by the Health Bureau to launch the Pap smear screening tour bus.
  • The implementation of electronic medical record system was approved by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan for examination and registration.
* 2012
  • The Commencement Ceremony (MCH) of the Shou-Fong Branch nursing home was held.
  • The 1st Elderly Cycling Tour around Taiwan was held (This activity was held a total of 4 times as of 2015, with 191 participants in total.)
  • The long-term care service base in Zhuoxi Township was launched.
  • Apermanent residency certificate was issued to the former superintendent, Dr. Roland P. Brown.
  • The hemodialysis room of the Shou-Fong Branchwas launched.
  • The opening ceremony of the Dental Care Service Demonstration Center for Patients with Special Needs in eastern Taiwan was held.
* 2013
  • The Division of Nuclear Medicine was established.
  • The “in-service” training classes for nursingaides were first offered in eastern Taiwan.
  • The one-stop service for sexual assault evidence collection was launched.
  • Medical Deputy Superintendent, Chiang-Liang Wu, succeeded asMennonite Christian Hospital Superintendent.
  • Medical Deputy Superintendent, Chuan-Yuan Lai, held a concurrent post of Superintendent of Shou-Fong Branch.
* 2014
  • The “Special Outpatient Clinic for Thyroid Cancer Treatment” was initiated.
  • The Eastern Taiwan Vision Care Center was reopened.
  • The Dr. Harold H. Engle Memorial Cardiac Catheterization Centerwas established to serve more than a thousand patients.
  • The Shou-Fong Branchinitiated rehabilitation services.
  • The construction of the Shou-Fong Branch nursing home was completed.
* 2015

    • The board of directors of the Mennonite Christian Hospital, Taiwan reached the following resolutions: The positions of the Resource Development Management Centerwerereadjusted to assist various institutions currently affiliated with the Board of Directors (including Meilun Branch, Shou-Fong Branch, Shou-Fong Branch nursing homes, psychiatry nursing home, postpartum nursing home, and home care nursing station), and according to the newly planned organizational structure,including the contents of roles and responsibilities, execute the powers and responsibilities conferred by Article 8 of the Contribution Charter of the Board of Directors, supervise the mutual support and cooperation between various affiliated institutions in terms of resources, and provide effective functions, such as management, contact, integration, coordination, and consultation
    • In order to meet the needs of the long-term development of the legal entity, the Board of Directors approved the new organizational structure of the Resource Development Management Center and established apublic affairs department responsible for the following activities: public relations, development planning department, social service division, and volunteer division, and the original Meilun Branch Holistic Care Department was renamed the Pastoral Care Department. Moreover, it was approved to adjust the positions of some senior managers, as follows:
      • Deputy CEO Fu-Hou Chao was hired as the CEO of the Resource Development Management Center of the Mennonite Medical Foundation.
      • Superintendent Chiang-Liang Wu of the Mennonite Christian Hospital under the Taiwan Mennonite Christian Hospital was hired to concurrently serve as Deputy CEO of the Resource Development Management Center of the Mennonite Medical Foundation.
      • Dr. Yung-Piao Chuang succeeded as MCH Shou-Fong BranchSuperintendent.
      • Deputy Superintendent Tien-Hung Chou transferred to Director of Public Affairs at Resource Development Management Center.
      • Director Chien Cho succeeded as the Administrative Deputy Superintendent at Meilun Branch.
      • Dr. Hsien-Yung Lai succeeded as Director of Department of Medical Affairs of Meilun Branch.
    • The latest SWOT analysis of the hospital was performed in order to strengthen and improve the hospital,meaning the overall operationsare systematic and efficient, and implement the mission of the original establishment.
  • The Resource Development Management Center proposed the plan for the construction of the Health Management Center Building and the Elderly Nursing Home.
  • The two-year “Long-term Stable Nursing Workforce Project” was promoted.
  • Meilun Branch implemented the “Information System Reconstruction Project”.
  • PharmaCloud System was launched.
  • The Division of Rehabilitation was granted apatentfor the walking rehabilitation belt.
  • Commissioner Yu-Chen Lai of the Overseas Community Affairs Council in Japan donated 8 nursery beds to the Mennonite Christian Hospital.
* 2016
  • The Shou-Fong Branchadditionally established the Division of Pediatrics.
  • The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment was updated.
  • The latest “TrueBeam” linear accelerator was purchased and introduced to improve the quality of radiation oncology treatment.
  • Achieved the national accreditation by the Ministry of Health and Welfare:
    • *Hospital accreditation Excellence(Regional Hospital).
    • *Qualified teaching hospital accreditation.
  • Director Hsu-Nan Yang succeeded as the Medical Deputy Superintendent of the Meilun Branch.
  • The Medical Operation Analysis and Control Center was established to respond to the policies of the Ministry of Health and Welfare,review the payment standards of the National Health Insurance administration,grasp the operating costs and profits of various divisions,and determine the effective use of medical and nursing personnel.
  • The Resource Development Management Center updated the job responsibilities of supervisors in the various job categories of their institutions.
  • MCH was selected by the Ministry of Health and Welfare as the first wave of pilot institutions for the “Ten Years of Long-term Care 2.0 Community Care” program, and officially launched the“Yuxi Compound Service Model” (the only project in eastern Taiwan).
  • MCH persuade Hualien Transportation Bus Co., Ltd into setting up bus stops at the Shou-Fong Branch for Route Nos. 1128 and 1122.
  • Under the sponsorship of caring donors, more than 200 old hospital beds were updated to electric hospital beds.
  • At the Hualien 2nd Credit Cooperative Association's centenary celebration, a welfare car was donated to the Shou-Fong Branch and MCH.
  • Rotary International District 3490 donated a multifunctional ultrasonic touringbus to the Mennonite Christian Hospital.
  • The “Eastern Taiwan Nursing Talents Cultivation Plan” fundraiserwas launched. Amis artist Yosifu and Sand Painter Ming-Ta Chuang created “The Tree of Life” and a sand painting video for fundraising, respectively.
  • The Cathay United Bank Foundation sponsored Mennonite Christian Hospital’s “Eastern Taiwan Nursing Talents Cultivation Plan,” which provides training funds for 10 professional nursing personnel every year.
  • The Mennonite Christian Hospital cooperated with the Mackay Junior College of Medicine, Nursing, and Management to recruit 16 publicly funded students for the first time.
  • The institution-wide sports meeting held every two years isnow being held every year.
  • Starting from this year, the institution-wide “Medical and Nursing Blind-Dating Activities” were held twice a year.
* 2017
  • The first Nurse Aide Cultivation Center, as established under the healthcare institution in Taiwan,was approved by the Ministry of Labor.
  • Measures were taken in response to the Ministry of Labor’s “one fixed day off and one flexible rest day” policy.
  • MCH promoted the plan to strengthen the physician lineup, which strives to attract public-funded physicians to serve in the hospital, and actively recruits specialists for the Department of Emergency, Division of Cardiology, Division of Dentistry, Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Division ofOrthopedics, and Division of Nephrology.
  • The "Long-term Stable Nursing Workforce Project" has achieved the expected effect, and nursing manpower has been stabilized.Various talent training programs will continue, includingonline training for newcomers, cross-training for senior staff, job rotation, and the agency system. Two deputy directors were promoted to strengthen the organizational structure and overall team effectiveness of senior nursing managers,in order that medical and nursing cooperation can achieve the best performance.
  • The Shou-Fong Branch “Love Garden” was opened, which provides horticultural healing to patients and long-term care residents.
  • The Shou-Fong Branchincreased itsday care beds from 140 to 160 beds.
  • MCHpromoted the “Strengthening Staff Faith Program,” which was intended to strengthen the weekly prayer meetings, and invited 2-3 pastors from nearby churches outside the hospital, as well as pastors of Mennonite churches and the China Evangelical Seminary, to worship and preach for all employees of the institution, in order to help employees understand the truth in the Bible, the formation of faith, the nourishment of spirituality, and the need and equipment for nurturing and growth.
  • The newborn care fundraising program achieved itsobjective within 30 hours after being launched.
  • The Y.L Lin Hung Tai Education and Culture Charity Trust sponsored the replacement of physiological monitors,as well as the Social Services and Poor Care Fund.
  • The “Mennonite Multi-ethnic Language Health Education Platform” was launched.
  • In 2014, Mr. Jonathan Lee first launched the “Ride for Love” activity to invite famous artists, such as Chin-Hang Shih, Pin-Yuan Huang, and Chen-Yue Chang, to care for the elderly served by the Mennonite Institutions in the East Rift Valley.
  • The Tong Yang Pharmaceutical Co. donated a large bus as a shuttle bus for patients, day care members, and employees between the Meilun Branch and the Shou-Fong Branch.
  • The Tzu-Chiu Kuo family donated a “Digital X-ray Screening Tour Bus” to replacethe 20-year-old X-ray Tour Bus.
  • The Hualien Center Lions Club donated a community medicineand home care tour bus in celebration of its 40th anniversary.
  • MCH started to hold ayear-end dinner party for all employees.
  • The Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation accompanied residents from the Shou-Fong Branch and Nursing Home to celebrate the festival for 12 consecutive years and held the Spring Festival Year-end Banquet and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations.
  • 9 volunteers in the Mennonite Christian Hospital were awarded the 2017 National Outstanding Volunteers by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
* 2018
  • A strong earthquake occurred in Hualien, and more than 200 employees of the Mennonite Christian Hospital returned to the hospital to provide support and treatment for nearly 100 injured patients.
  • The recruitment program for emergency specialists achieved an outstanding result, and the number of emergency specialists was increased from 4 to 10.
  • The Mennonite Low Vision Center sponsored by Lions Clubs International was launched.
  • The Securities OTC Trading Center donated a long-term care welfare bus to the Shou-Fong Branch.
  • Under the generous donations of domestic and foreign donors, the procurement and setup of the new positron tomography scanner PET-CT were completed.
  • Miss Tien-Lan Hu led 18 members of the Hsinlin Food and Beverage Volunteer Group, which is led by Chairman Ching-Lung Huang, to hold the "70th Anniversary of Mennonite Remote Township Care Program, which invited disadvantaged elders to have a good meal at the Mennonite (MCH) Shou-Fong Branch nursing home.
  • Mr. Jonathan Lee donated anold house to sponsor Mennonites to build the "Long-term Care Integration Service and Talent Cultivation Center".
  • The Health Promotion Administration of MOHW nominated the Mennonite Christian Hospital to represent Taiwan’s participation in the 2018 International Gold Award Selection of the Global Smoke-free Healthcare Service Network, and MCH won the honor of the "International Gold Award".
  • MCH undertookthe Hualien County Dementia Joint Care Center and Community Integrated Service Center (Level A) project at the Shou-Fong Branch.
  • MCH passed itsaccreditation at the "Assessment and Certification Examination Site for Licensed Technicians" by the Ministry of Labor, and became the only institution in the Hualien and Taitung area approved to issue Nurse Aide Techniciancertification.
* 2021
  • Wen-Hsin Chang, CEO of Mennonite Christian Hospital, takes office.
  • Rehabilitation Orthotics and Prosthetics Center receives the certificate of Symbol of National Quality.
  • Nursing Department team receives the certificate of Symbol of National Quality.
  • First phase of the external road at Niang Hua Building and Yung Ai Building for the elderly with dementia is completed.
  • In response to the Taiwan Alliance for Blood Donation, Mennonite Christian Hospital healthcare professionalsdonate hundreds of bags of blood.
  • Over 200 staff of Mennonite Christian Hospital participate in rescue efforts for the Taroko train accident on the 2nd of April.
  • In charge of the Counseling Team of the Hualien County Family Foster Care program.
  • Actively strengthening vaccination efforts and thanking the pandemic prevention doctors and team.
  • Providing sports protection touring services to benefit rural students.
  • Nurses from the first MacKay scholarship program start to serve in Mennonite Christian Hospital.
  • Conference of the future elderly care and co-prosperity of Shou Feng region.
  • Doctor Roland Peter Brown's memoir "Healing Hands" in Chinese and English is published
  • The molecular biology (PCR) laboratory becomes operational.
  • Intelligent ward becomes operational, promoting the quality of medical care.
* 2022
  • Long-Term Care of Mennonite Christian Hospital has achieved the milestone: Foundation laid and construction begins on Niang Hua Building and Yung Ai Building.
  • Dysphagia Treatment Team receives the certificate of Symbol of National Quality.
  • Assistive Resource Center of the South District of Hualien has extended services to Ruisui Township.
  • Intelligent Parking Lot of Mennonite Christian Hospital becomes operational.
  • Health Management Center building of Mennonite Christian Hospital begins construction. In order to fundraise, Mennonite Christian Hospital invites people to co-build a future of love and hope with determination.
  • Rehabilitation Center's language therapy room in Shou Feng Mennonite Christian Hospital becomes operational, providing more rehabilitation services.
  • Taipower Mennonite Hope Seed Project continues to provide scholarships and part-time opportunities to college students for 17 years.
  • Hsu, Ming-Mu, the Deputy Dean of Mennonite Christian Hospital is awarded Third Class Health and Welfare Professional Medal.
  • 17 nursing students from the second public scholarship arrive, joining the hospital's workforce.
  • Mennonite Christian Hospital celebrates its 74th anniversary with a thanksgiving ceremony and the publication of an RPG commemorative collection.
  • Earthquake strengthening work begins on two medical buildings.
  • Nursing Research and Development wins gold medal at Taiwan Innovative Technology Expo.
  • Mennonite Christian Hospital has promoted Hospice and Palliative care for 25 years. Dedicating and accompanying 12,000 people.

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44 Min-chuan Road, Hualien, 970 Taiwan Tel.:886-3-8241234
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