* Introduction to MCH | Development of MCH in Recent Years
* Development of MCH in Recent Years

◎Provision of various health care services

  • Providing care management services for people with diabetes, asthma, TB, and chronic liver diseases.
  • Establishing a Psychiatric Day Care Center
  • Enhancing health education and teaching in outpatient services
  • Offering smoke cessation services
  • Providing telephony health consulting, spiritual consulting, and AIDS consulting services.

◎Promotion of community health

  • Expanding outreach clinics in remote communities
  • Recruiting and training volunteers for community health and home health services
  • Under the assistance from medical students, holding summer children health camps in several local communities to promote the health of children
  • Continuing screening programs for children and seniors, and the screenings of breast cancer, liver tumor, colon cancer, and pap smear
  • Conducting weight-loss classes, pregnancy classes, and other health education workshops.
  • Promoting health education through churches, community organizations, and media.
  • Organizing and executing the Shoufong Community Health Promotion program funded by the Bureau of Health Promotion
  • Partnering with local senior homes, schools, and care facilities for the disabled to offer physician visits in the institutions
  • Cooperating with five local clinics to form a community group practice which has been recognized as the only demonstration group by the Department of Health

◎Improvement of health care quality and management

  • Continuing applying Taiwan Quality Indicator Program (TQIP) and evidence-based medicine practices, developing clinical pathways and guidelines
  • Enhancing patient safety through error reporting, analysis, and improvement. A Patient Safety Committee has been formed to carry out related programs such as patient identification, infection control, patient speak-up, surgery site, effective communication among caregivers, medication safety, and fall reduction, etc.
  • Improving clinical administrative quality through activities such as Quality Control Circle (QCC), Quality Improvement Team (QIT), 5S, benchmarking and process management and standardization.
  • Periodical evaluation of quality and performance in a TQM Committee.
  • Carrying out self-accreditation for the whole hospital every year using the standards developed and utilized by the Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation for maintaining the required quality
  • Actively receiving, responding, and reporting patient complains.
  • Conducting quarterly patient satisfaction surveys for outpatient and inpatient services, and emergency department, respectively.
  • Continuing holding quality related education for the whole staff.

◎Implementation of information technology and automation

  • Employing Lotus Notes to establish an intranet system and serve as a major tool for office process automation and knowledge management.
  • Completing outpatient and inpatient CPOE systems and applications.
  • Strengthening clinical diagnosis through the application of PACS system.
  • Developing executive decision support system.

◎Facilitating social welfare and charity services

  • Establishing Mennonite Social Welfare Foundation to provide home health services, meals on wheel, and Lifeline in supporting the dependent seniors to remain home. Besides, the foundation offers residential care for persons with severe disability and day care for the children with intellectual disability.
  • Cooperating with Taiwan Cerebral Palsy Association to hold annual charity medical services for the local residents with cerebral palsy.
  • Offering facilities and space in the outpatient waiting areas without charge for the massagists in the Hualien Association for the Blind to provide massage services and earn incomes.

◎Improving social well-being by promoting art, music, and publications

  • Carrying out bi-monthly lectures and concerts performed by renowned speakers and musicians in the past 8 years
  • Setting up major art works by local artists in the lobbies of the outpatient and inpatient buildings in comforting patients and their families.
  • Transforming hallways into art galleries to hold exhibitions for patients and visitors.
  • Publishing seven books since 2005 which were collectively written by medical and nursing staff and their families to share their understanding of medical ethics and long-term care, medical or nursing models, and live experiences with the general public
  • Over 140,000 paper copies and 17,000 e-copies of the MCH Monthly are mailed to the major stakeholders including the hospital's contributors all over the country for distributing health information, goodhearted stories, and the power of faith.
* Short-term goals: 2-5-year developments:
  • Achieving the national accreditation:
    • Hospital accreditation.
    • Hospital emergency capacity accreditation.
    • Maintaining the qualifications for IRB accreditation.
    • Maintaining the qualifications for teaching hospital accreditation.
    • Maintaining the qualifications for nursing home accreditation.
    • Maintaining the qualifications for psychiatry hospital accreditation.
    • Maintaining the qualifications for cancer medical quality accreditation.
  • Unleashing potential, improving quality and efficiency, and deeply cultivating the medical professional field:
    • Unleashing the potential of the entire workforce of emergency physicians to provide professional medical services.
    • Strengthening the manpower of second-line physicians, shifts of specialists, and emergency transfers.
    • Strengthening the manpower of cardiac catheterists to provide professional medical services for cardiac catheterization.
    • Strengthening the lineup of dentists in the main hospital and branches to provide professional medical services.
    • Exerting the ability of medical operations and benefit analysis to achieve the best medical operation benefit.
    • Improving the use efficiency of valuable medical equipment and the quality of medical professional examinations.
    • Developing the characteristics of nuclear medicine, cancer radiotherapy, and hematoma-related professional medical services.
  • Strengthening the foundation of software and hardware, establishing standard operating procedures, and improving operational efficiency:
    • Complete the integration and reconstruction of the information system project to meet the overall development needs.
    • Build an operation management information system for use by the managers of various professional categories.
    • Optimizing operation procedure and improve efficiency.
    • Actively implementing the measures of [increasing incomes and reducing expenditures] in the face of internal and external environmental challenges.
    • Expanding branch medical services to meet public medical needs and balance profits and losses.
  • Completing the phased expansion plan and continue to expand related businesses:
    • Completing the construction of the health management center building and adjusting the usage space of the general hospital.
    • Completing the construction of the [Long-term Care Integration Service and Talent Cultivation Center] building.
    • Completing the construction of [Dementia Group Homes] in line with the government's long-term care policy.
    • Building health care centers for the elderly in sequence to meet the expectations of donors.
* Mid-term goals:5-10-year developments
  • Continuing to promote phased development plans:
    • Seeking to develop international medical alliances and cooperation and promoting overseas medical missionary work.
    • Developing geriatric medicine, preventive medicine, health cultivation, and physical and spiritual development.
    • According to the financial resources and operating conditions of the legal person, the Shoufong Community Church will be built in sequence.
    • Completing the new branch related site change operations and the administrative procedures of the competent government authorities.
* Long-term goals:10-30-year developments
  • Implementing holistic care services, laying a solid foundation for long-term development, and engaging in sustainable operations:
    • Becoming abenchmark hospital with the highest quality community health and holistic care services for senior citizens in the Hualien and Taitung area.
    • Gradually completing the various development projects for the Shoufeng elderly care community according to the plan and financial resources.
    • Gradually implementing the development projects of the new branches at various stages according to the feasibility plan and financial resources.

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44 Min-chuan Road, Hualien, 970 Taiwan Tel.:886-3-8241234
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